The Art of Gathering

The Art of Gathering by Priya Parker is a foundational work that gives us the tools to be a gracious and powerful host. Ben read the book one year ago, and it has been on his desk ever since.

Start with Why—The Art of Gathering begins with asking the question “Why are we gathering?” Having a solid understanding of your why makes answering the difficult questions of “who do I invite?” easier. The book concludes with concrete suggestions for different kinds of gatherings ranging from weddings to corporate events. It’s highly recommended for those who host meetings, run dinner parties, or hang out with friends.

Start With Why

While I wouldn’t recommend that everyone read Sinek’s book, I’ve found his essential point to be incredibly meaningful. Know why you are doing something before you start. When you have a Why, nearly every subsequent question has an obvious answer.

How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action By Simon Sinek
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I hated reading as a child and young adult and It wasn’t until after graduating from University that I began to appreciate books. Books allow an author to share the most passionate part of their lives— whether it’s their imagination, true stories, philosophy, or tragic experiences. It means that these authors can record, forever, the most interesting parts of themselves. 

For example, one of my favorite authors is Stephen King. Stephen King’s imagination and story-telling ability are the reason why he is popular. When I read his novels, I’m transported into a different world where I am fully immersed in characters that lead very different lives from myself. I truly enjoy his works. But then, when I followed Stephen King on twitter, all I saw was a dumpster fire of political commentary—the least interesting thing about him. 

So, why am I making yet another podcast? I think that reading books can greatly enrich our lives. Even if you read or listen to one book per week, which is a lot, it means that you will be able to read around 7,000 books in your lifetime. The world contains hundreds of thousands of books. You should always be reading the best unread book on your bookshelf. Life is too short to spend time reading mediocre books.  

I don’t expect listeners to read every book that is discussed here, and it may be difficult for you to decide which books to read. After all, the books being discussed with each guest are in the top 10 of their favorite books. So they are going to be passionate about recommending the book. I want this to serve as a goldmine of recommendations that can provide countless hours of joy, wonderment, intriguing thought, and growth. 

Thanks for listening.

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